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What is a Long Range Comprehensive Plan?

A long range comprehensive plan (Comp Plan) is a policy document that details the Village's long-term vision and goals and outlines the steps necessary to achieve them. The plan is intended to guide growth and development in an organized, efficient, and sustainable manner. To do so, it looks to the future to anticipate trends and issues that could impact how growth and development occur. The plan is long range in scope, focusing on the ultimate needs of the community rather than the pressing concerns of today.

Comprehensive Plan Update

While the planning horizon for a Comp Plan is typically 20-30 years, it's important to review and update the plan in the interim to ensure the vision described in the plan is still the vision residents have for their community. The Village's existing Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2010. Since that time, many of the plan's goals have been completed and new opportunities have been presented. With extensive public participation, residents will create a blueprint for the Village that outlines the steps needed to achieve the community's vision.

To help us with this important task, the Village has engaged consultants Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative. Because the planning process will be comprehensive, it will take nearly 18 months to complete and will culminate in the Village Council adopting the plan in the late summer or early fall of 2019.

What is a Long Range Comprehensive Plan?

A long range comprehensive plan (Comp Plan) is a policy document that details the Village's long-term vision and goals and outlines the steps necessary to achieve them. The plan is intended to guide growth and development in an organized, efficient, and sustainable manner. To do so, it looks to the future to anticipate trends and issues that could impact how growth and development occur. The plan is long range in scope, focusing on the ultimate needs of the community rather than the pressing concerns of today.

Comprehensive Plan Update

While the planning horizon for a Comp Plan is typically 20-30 years, it's important to review and update the plan in the interim to ensure the vision described in the plan is still the vision residents have for their community. The Village's existing Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2010. Since that time, many of the plan's goals have been completed and new opportunities have been presented. With extensive public participation, residents will create a blueprint for the Village that outlines the steps needed to achieve the community's vision.

To help us with this important task, the Village has engaged consultants Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative. Because the planning process will be comprehensive, it will take nearly 18 months to complete and will culminate in the Village Council adopting the plan in the late summer or early fall of 2019.

  • Council Appoints the Envision the Village Think Tank

    Share Council Appoints the Envision the Village Think Tank on Facebook Share Council Appoints the Envision the Village Think Tank on Twitter Share Council Appoints the Envision the Village Think Tank on Linkedin Email Council Appoints the Envision the Village Think Tank link

    On June 26, 2018, the Pinehurst Village Council selected 12 members of the community to serve on the Envision the Village Long Range Comprehensive Plan Think Tank.

    The mission of the Envision the Village Think Tank for the Long Range Comprehensive Plan is to:

    • Act as a sounding board for testing ideas and brainstorming about questions the Village staff and the consultant team from Town Planning and Urban Design Collaborative, LLC (TPUDC) have throughout the process of developing the 2035 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan;
    • Participate in identifying the general issue areas and topics of concern that might be addressed in the Plan based on public input obtained;
    • Provide input during the development of the Plan;
    • Support efforts to generate significant public involvement in the process through outreach and educational effort and assistance in marketing the outreach activities primarily the week-long “Planapalooza TM” which is designed to ensure widespread resident participation and involvement;
    • Assist in identifying additional stakeholders who should participate in the process and working to involve them in the process.

    The following residents of the Village and extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) make up the Think Tank:

    1. Andrea Pisani Baich
    2. Bert Higgins
    3. George Arno
    4. John McClain
    5. Kim Gilley
    6. Meredith Stanton
    7. Monica Barrow
    8. Nitza Rothstein
    9. Pattie Taylor
    10. Patrick Barry
    11. Bob Boone
    12. Bob Wilson

    The group was selected to ensure a diverse representation of Village neighborhoods, age ranges, employment status, family status, and length of residence. Characteristics of the Envision the Village Think Tank membership include:

    Click here to download the Think Tank member characteristics.

Page last updated: 17 Aug 2018, 06:40 AM